PSAT Prep and NMSQT Tutoring with C2 Education
The PSAT is more than just practice for the SAT! It also serves as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Students who take the PSAT in the 11th grade are automatically entered to compete for this prestigious award, which can help them get into top-ranked colleges and universities and receive scholarships.
PSAT prep will improve students’ confidence before the exam, give them a head start on preparation for the SAT and ACT, and increase their chances of qualifying for the National Merit Scholarship.
Facts about the PSAT:
- There are different versions of the PSAT! The PSAT 8/9 offers 8th and 9th graders the chance for on-level SAT practice and is sometimes used as a qualifying test for elementary and middle school summer programs. The PSAT 10 is virtually identical to the PSAT/NMSQT and offers great practice for 10th graders hoping to compete for the National Merit Scholarship in 11th grade.
- All versions of the PSAT are designed to predict future SAT performance, so PSAT scores can show you how you’d do on the SAT as a junior or senior.
- Colleges often seek out students who qualify to compete for the National Merit Scholarship.
A thorough review of the PSAT score report can show students how much work needs to be done before they take the SAT, giving them a solid foundation for SAT success.