ISEE Test Prep | SSAT Preparation with C2 Education
Independent School Entrance Exam
The ISEE is used during the admissions process by many private schools across the country. The ISEE has three levels – Upper, Middle, and Lower – based on entrance grade level. Each level consists of 5 sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Reading Comprehension, Mathematics Achievement, and Essay.
Scoring well on the ISEE is a key factor in gaining admission to many private and magnet schools. Thorough ISEE test prep leads to better scores and stronger school applications.
Secondary School Admission Exam
Many other private schools use the SSAT as part of the admissions process. The SSAT also offers three levels — Elementary, Middle, and Upper — based on the student’s grade level. Each level includes sections on Quantitative Reasoning/Math, Verbal, and Reading plus a Writing Sample that is not graded but is provided to schools along with the student’s test scores.
A good SSAT score can boost a student’s chances for admission to many private and magnet schools. Strong SSAT test prep means higher scores and better secondary school applications.