Test Prep Done Right with C2 Education
Personalized Test Prep Programs
High test scores are necessary to earn admission to a top college. At C2 Education, whether you need help with the SSAT, ISEE, PSAT, SAT, ACT, or AP exams, our comprehensive, in-person test prep programs bring results.
A Personalized Test Prep Program
At C2, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions – no two students are the same, so shouldn’t their test prep programs be just as unique as they are? The journey to college admissions is filled with a variety of important tests throughout a student’s time in middle and high school. That’s why C2 test prep programs are customized to meet students at whichever test they are taking and help them reach their individual goals.
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C2’s Approach to Test Prep
We start with an initial assessment modeled after the test that will be taken and administer it under realistic conditions to get a baseline of a student’s strengths and weaknesses. These test results are carefully analyzed in order to tailor a test prep program to meet the student’s specific needs. Periodic practice tests are taken to gauge progress so that we can adjust a student’s test prep program as needed to address shifting strengths and weaknesses. This process ensures a personalized test prep program that efficiently and effectively helps students maximize their test scores.
It’s Not a Sprint, It’s a Marathon
Too many test prep programs cram huge amounts of information into just the last few weeks before a test date. At C2 Education, we know that test prep should be about more than just quick tips and tricks. Our test prep programs help master the fundamental testing skills needed to score big on every test a student will take throughout high school.