
Top 10 SAT and ACT Prep Tips
TEST PREPSAT and ACT scores boost your chances for admission at your dream schools—so it's no wonder that many students find them particularly anxiety-inducing. Follow these SAT and ACT tips to boost your scores and lower your stress levels.

Why the PSAT Matters to You
TEST PREPIt's just the PSAT, right? As in "pre-SAT"? As in "just practice"?
The PSAT has always been more than "just a practice" test because it also acts as the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT), meaning that eligible students…

Six Ways to Boost College Applications Over Summer
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSSummer break is just around the corner -- do you have plans yet?
Some students look forward to months of fun in the sun, and there's certainly nothing wrong with a little relaxation. But for students who want to improve their chances of getting…