
The Benefits of Reading Tutoring
TUTORINGReading tutoring isn’t just for those who need help building basic reading skills. A good reading tutor will help your student to master new sight words, decipher new vocabulary using context, and establish strategies to improve reading comprehension…

4 SAT Reading Strategies to Boost Your Score
TEST PREPUnlike the math and writing portions of the SAT, the SAT reading section doesn’t require you to bring any outside knowledge to the test. You don’t need to know grammar rules or algebra—you just need to know how to read. For those of you…

SAT Reading Practice: Valentine’s Day Edition
TEST PREPIt’s that time of year again: love is in the air, stores are decked with pink and red hearts, and the SAT is just a few weeks away. Inspired by the season, we’ve put together some Valentine’s Day themed SAT reading practice for you. Enjoy!

On the Bright Side: Doing My Summer Reading Assignment
ON THE BRIGHT SIDEWe get it: Summer reading assignments aren't the most enjoyable part of summer break. Even if it’s a book you might otherwise be interested in reading, being told that you have to read it sucks all the fun out of it. We can’t exactly make…