
On the Bright Side: Doing My Summer Reading Assignment
ON THE BRIGHT SIDEWe get it: Summer reading assignments aren't the most enjoyable part of summer break. Even if it’s a book you might otherwise be interested in reading, being told that you have to read it sucks all the fun out of it. We can’t exactly make…

Choosing a College: Safety, Target, and Reach Schools
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSChoosing a college isn't just a matter of asking yourself where you want to go to school. Sure, in movies and on TV, high school students have that one dream college in mind. Think Rory Gilmore, whose childhood bedroom was covered in Harvard…

Getting into the College Essay Mindset
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSIt’s not a great idea to just sit down and start writing your college application essays. These essays are unlike any other writing assignment you’ve tackled before. You’ve got to get into the right mindset... the college essay mindset.…

College Admissions Testing: Which Tests to Take When
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSAre you ready for college admissions testing? There are literally dozens of standardized tests available to college-bound students, all of them with confusing-sounding acronyms. It can be pretty tough to figure out which tests you need to take,…

On the Bright Side: My Spring Semester Was NOT GOOD
ON THE BRIGHT SIDE"My spring semester is done! The school year is finally over! Yay!"
Your celebration might be somewhat less celebratory if your spring semester wasn’t great. Maybe your spring report card was downright depressing; maybe you entered AP exam…

High School Planning: Your Road to Success
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSHigh school planning is a must if you're looking for a competitive edge when applying to college. Ask yourself, "What do the most successful high school students have in common?" They plan ahead.
Early in your high school career, you should…

Record-Low Admission Rates at Top Colleges
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSEach spring, colleges begin to announce their admission rates for the incoming freshman class. For the past several years, these announcements have followed a downward trend with rates dipping lower and lower. This year is proving to be no exception.…

National College Decision Day – Is That Your Final Choice?
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSMay 1 is a little known holiday called National College Decision Day. This is the deadline by which most students are required to have submitted their deposits to their chosen colleges.
Hopefully, you worked really hard and got some great…

Spring Final Exam Prep
TEST PREPNo More Teachers, No More Books…But First, Finals
In many parts of the country, students have just weeks to go before summer break – which also means that there are mere weeks before final exams.
We’ve rounded up some of our best study…