
On the Bright Side: My GPA Stinks Right Now
ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, TUTORINGIn our three-part series about what college admissions officers looked at, we explored the importance of grades in admissions decisions. College admissions officers consistently rank grades as the most important factor in admissions decisions,…

On the Bright Side: Dealing with Bad Mid-Term Grades
ON THE BRIGHT SIDEEvery student has asked themselves the question in this post’s title at some point. Maybe it was about a grade on a certain test or the college essay you’ve been working on for months. In this first installment of our “On the Bright Side”…

Student Grades: What College Admissions Look For
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSCollege admissions: confusing, complicated, not fun…
These are just a few ways to describe the college admissions process. To help you out, we’ve created a three part series that will give insight into what colleges actually look for…