student taking college admissions exam

All College Admissions Exam Dates: 2022-23 School Year

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When preparing to apply to college, there’s a lot to plan for. Applications, admission exams, grades, and course rigor are all major components. We’re making it a little bit easier for you by providing all exam dates in one place. This includes…
Students taking SAT exam

Why You Should Submit Scores to Test-Optional Schools

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Many schools temporarily changed their admissions policies to test-optional during the pandemic. It was difficult to administer tests safely, and many test sites closed during 2020. Since then, some schools have returned to requiring test scores,…
AP precalculus exam

AP Precalculus Announced for 2023/24 School Year

Introducing AP Precalculus The College Board recently announced the creation of a new AP class: AP Precalculus. As with other AP courses, this will be accompanied by an AP Precalculus exam in May for college credit. This new course will premier…
students studying on laptop

Announcing The New Digital SAT®

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On January 25, 2022, the College Board announced a redesign of the SAT®. Planned changes include making the test fully digital, adaptable, and shorter. The goal is to provide a more convenient testing experience for students and families. What…
Students taking SAT exam
student thinking with question marks on chalk board behind her
canceled stamp on standardized test bubble sheet
calendar with pushpin showing test dates