ACT vs. SAT: Which Test Is Right for You?
Resources, Test Prep, TEST PREPOne of your first college admissions decisions is deciding whether to take the ACT, SAT, or both. As you read, you’ll discover there is no wrong or right answer to this question. Instead, keep an open mind and see which test best aligns with…

Is the Digital SAT® Easier?
SAT, TEST PREPThe SAT® is changing in spring 2024. In addition to being adaptive and having some content changes, it will also be fully digital. One common question we’ve been hearing is, “Will the Digital SAT be easier than the current test?” According…

Digital SAT® Practice Questions
SAT, TEST PREPThe SAT® is going digital in spring 2024. Here at C2 Education, we recommend that students in the class of 2026 and younger prepare for this new version of the SAT. See below for some Digital SAT practice questions to start your prep today!

Should the Class of 2025 Take the Digital SAT®?
SAT, TEST PREPStudents who are sophomores in the 2022-2023 school year will see the SAT® test format change in the middle of their junior year. It’s clear that seniors and juniors should take the current paper and pencil SAT®. Freshmen and younger should…

New Data Sheds Light on Learning Loss
Resources, School, TEST PREPNew national data from multiple sources further confirms learning loss and the the negative impact of the pandemic on academic performance across ages.
Lowest National Average ACT® Score in 30 Years
According to data recently published by…

Digital SAT®: You Ask, We Answer
SATIn our most recent webinar, we discussed the new digital SAT®, including the timeline, what’s changing, and our recommendations for test prep. We received many questions from parents and students during the live webinar and we wanted to share…

Digital SAT® Prep by Grad Year
SATThe SAT® is going digital! The first digital SAT exam will be offered in the U.S. in early 2024. This transition may feel overwhelming for students preparing to take the SAT in the next few years. Who should prepare for the paper and pencil…

Digital SAT®: Changes to the SAT
SATThe SAT® is going digital in the U.S in 2024. How will the new test be different from the existing pencil and paper exam? Take a look at the Digital SAT changes below.
What’s staying the same?
The goal and intent of the SAT exam
The digital…

New Digital SAT® Test Overview
Resources, SAT, Test PrepAs we shared previously, the SAT® exam is going digital in the U.S. in 2024. The goal of this fully digital and adaptive new SAT test is to provide a more convenient testing experience for students and families. We’ve pulled together a digital…