What’s the Best Way to Prepare for the ACT?
ACT, Test Prep, TEST PREPThe ACT is a significant milestone for many aspiring college students, as the scores your child achieves can greatly influence their college admissions prospects. While preparing for the exam may seem daunting, creating a timeline can help your…

When Should Your Child Prepare for the PSAT?
PSAT/NMSQT, Test Prep, TEST PREPAlthough the PSAT™ is optional, it offers many benefits to students who take it. Each version of the PSAT is tailored to suit different grade levels and can serve as an indicator of your child’s future success on the SAT and in higher education.…

Are ACT and SAT Prep Part of Your Child’s Summer Plans?
ACT, SAT, Test Prep, TEST PREPWhen your child thinks about their summer break, ACT and SAT test prep are likely the furthest thing from their mind. They've probably made plans to spend time with friends, work part-time, or enjoy their down time. However, summer test prep…

Understanding the SSAT
STUDY SKILLS, TEST PREPPrivate schools can offer your student smaller classes, individualized support, and access to a wide range of courses. To ensure your student is placed appropriately, they may need to take an entrance exam as part of the admissions process.…

How to Navigate AP Classes
APPerforming well in advanced placement (AP) classes can strengthen your college application. Knowing how many classes to take, when to start taking them, and which classes to choose can help you create an academic roadmap for your high school…

Upcoming AP Exam Dates for 2024
AP, TEST PREPPassing an AP exam is an excellent way for students to showcase their academic accomplishments and ability to handle rigorous coursework. It speaks to a student’s ability to thrive in advanced educational settings and can be another way for…

Exploring the Sections on the ACT®
ACT, TEST PREPThe ACT tests a student’s ability to apply their existing knowledge to familiar and unfamiliar concepts to gauge a student’s college readiness. It covers four main sections:
This exam also offers…

How Can My Child Prepare for the ISEE?
MISCELLANEOUS, School, TEST PREP, TUTORINGThe Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE) is a tool many private schools use to assess potential students. This exam measures a student’s current knowledge, how quickly they can adapt to unfamiliar material, and their problem-solving…

Digital ACT Pilot Program Launches December 2023
ACT, TEST PREPThe ACT® recently announced a limited digital ACT pilot program. This pilot is expected to occur in December 2023 and continue throughout 2024.
What’s Staying the Same?
The Digital ACT pilot is the same test as the pencil-and-paper ACT.…