Preparing for AP exams.

When Should You Start Studying for AP® Exams?

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Taking an advanced placement (AP®) exam at the end of the school year can be a huge decision for high school students. Doing well on these exams can help you amass college credits at a much more affordable price than college courses and validate…
high school senior taking ap exam online

What’s the Best Way to Study for AP Exams?

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Advanced Placement (AP®) courses are a great way for high school students to prepare for college-level classes and stand out to university admissions officers. While some students may choose to take these courses for the experience, others…
female student taking an ap class online

Decoding the AP Exam Score Grading System

The AP grading scale often surprises students and parents due to its unique structure. Unlike typical high school tests, AP exams are graded on a scale of one to five. These scores represent a weighted average of a student's performance across…
C2 Student Studying

How to Navigate AP Classes

Performing well in advanced placement (AP) classes can strengthen your college application. Knowing how many classes to take, when to start taking them, and which classes to choose can help you create an academic roadmap for your high school…
ap exam schedule 2024

Upcoming AP Exam Dates for 2024

Passing an AP exam is an excellent way for students to showcase their academic accomplishments and ability to handle rigorous coursework. It speaks to a student’s ability to thrive in advanced educational settings and can be another way for…
importance of standardized tests

Why Standardized Tests are Important Even for Test-Blind Schools

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Even with the extension of test-optional policies, students can benefit from taking standardized tests. Earning high scores on tests such as the PSAT/NMSQT®, SAT®, or ACT® could help students fund their education. This could minimize the…
The more AP classes you have, the more important it is to start each one the best you can. Contact C2 and get AP help today.

2 Things to Consider Before Taking AP Classes (+4 Benefits)

AP classes offer exciting academic challenges, chances for deep discussion, and college benefits. Deciding whether to enroll in AP classes and how many to take is a big decision for high school students. When deciding, it’s important for students…
AP precalculus exam

AP Precalculus Announced for 2023/24 School Year

Introducing AP Precalculus The College Board recently announced the creation of a new AP class: AP Precalculus. As with other AP courses, this will be accompanied by an AP Precalculus exam in May for college credit. This new course will premier…
Students taking SAT exam