Building a College List: The First Step on Your College Journey

Figuring out where to apply is a critical first step to a successful college admissions process. Once you know the destination, it's a lot easier to plan the route to get there! Watch as we discuss researching colleges during the COVID-19 pandemic,…

Be Ready for a New (and Different) School Year

It's always a little tough to adapt to a new school year — and this year is starting with far more changes and challenges than usual. Watch as we talk about the academic toolbox students need for a successful school year in the COVID-19 era.…

C2 Alumni Panel: Journey to College

A great way to learn about the journey to college is to hear from students themselves! In this webinar, some of our recent C2 alumni talk about their journeys to Yale, Brown, Cornell, and UC schools, plus what it’s like attending their dream…

How to Navigate the New World of College Admissions

Due to the crisis impacting the world, every aspect of our lives has changed. For many high school students, there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty with the future of college admissions. Will GPAs matter? How will the application change?…

College Roadmap: Building Your New Timeline to Succeed

With the world adjusting to the coronavirus pandemic, one thing is clear — planning and preparing for college admissions has never been more challenging and uncertain. Don’t stress! The best approach is to create a plan, set a timeline,…

How to Conquer the SAT

With SAT test dates in short supply and retest options limited, it’s important to be as prepared as possible when you take the test this fall. We’ve heard lots of questions — What do I need to know? How should I prepare? Are there strategies…

College Roadmap: Researching Schools

Researching schools is a key first step to college admissions success. In this webinar, we review what to look for in general when identifying schools for your list and discuss resources to help you research efficiently. We also cover college…

College Roadmap: All About Applications

In this webinar, we discuss the different application types available — Common, Coalition, UC — and which to use. Then we look at the application itself to identify components that may be more challenging than most students expect. And finally,…

College Essays: How to Write an Amazing Introduction

College essays are one of the most important parts of the college application. They allow students to express their passions and dreams in a truly freeform way. In today’s ongoing situation with GPAs moving to pass/fail or credit/no credit…