Is the Enhanced ACT® Harder Than the Regular ACT?
ACT, TEST PREP, Test PrepStarting in April 2025, the national online ACT® will roll out new enhancements that improve the overall testing experience. This updated, shorter format offers your child more flexibility and time without compromising accuracy for college…

When Should You Start Studying for AP® Exams?
AP, Test Prep, TEST PREPTaking an advanced placement (AP®) exam at the end of the school year can be a huge decision for high school students. Doing well on these exams can help you amass college credits at a much more affordable price than college courses and validate…

Are Standardized Tests Still Required for College Admissions in 2025?
College Adm, COLLEGE ADMISSIONS, HIGH SCHOOL, Test PrepAfter test-optional policies became the new norm in 2020, ACT® and SAT® requirements for college admissions have been a huge focus for high school students. Fast-forward five years, and the testing policies are once again changing. Some schools…

When Can You Take the SAT in 2025?
HIGH SCHOOL, SAT, Test Prep, TEST PREPStaying on top of the 2025 SAT® test dates helps your child create an ideal timeline for the upcoming school year. Once they know when they should finalize their scores, they can work backwards to determine the best SAT test date for their…

Your AP Game Plan for 2025: How to Start Strong and Stay Ahead
Webinar - Test PrepDo you want to crush your AP courses this year? Then check out this free webinar, “Your AP Game Plan for 2025: How to Start Strong and Stay Ahead.” Watch as we cover essential tips for staying organized, managing your time effectively, and…

Does High School Prepare You for the ACT and SAT?
ACT, HIGH SCHOOL, SAT, Test Prep, TEST PREPPreparing for the ACT® and SAT® can be overwhelming for students and parents. These tests are a chance for your child to show they’re ready for higher education. But understanding what these tests measure and how to prepare can be tough,…

Second Semester Reset: You Ask, We Answer
Resources, School, STUDY SKILLSA second-semester reset is the perfect opportunity to build habits that will help you finish the school year even stronger. Parents and students often ask about the best strategies, so we’ve compiled answers to a few of the most common questions.…

Should You Send Standardized Test Scores to Test-Optional Colleges?
College Adm, COLLEGE ADMISSIONSIn recent years, more colleges and universities have adopted test-optional admissions policies, giving students the power to decide whether or not to submit standardized test scores. Many students breathe a sigh of relief upon learning their…