AP® Prep for 2020 Online Exams
COVID-19AP exams are almost here – May 11 is right around the corner! If you’re taking APs, you already know that this year’s exams are:
open-book and open-note
free-response questions only, no multiple-choice questions

Study hard, but take breaks too!
COVID-19It seems like both yesterday and forever ago that schools transitioned to remote learning and students were faced with many new challenges. Since then, our teachers have spent hours and hours supplementing school lessons, helping with homework,…

Studying for the 2020 AP Exams: A Whole New Ballgame
COVID-19Over the last few weeks, the College Board has released further details about changes to the 2020 AP exams in the face of Covid-19. The test you thought you were preparing for all school year? It’s not the test you’ll face in May.

AP Exam Updates: COVID-19
COVID-19News on the AP Exams
Last updated April 6
In response to Covid-19, the College Board has changed both the format and the timing of AP exams. Here are the highlights:
Exams will be taken at home. Students can use any device available…

Student Resources to Make the Most of Remote Learning
COVID-19You probably didn’t intend to spend a good chunk of this semester attending school from home, but here we are. Although there’s plenty to miss about leaving the house, you may as well resolve to make the most of your time at home. Look at…

Surviving Your School Closure: Remote Learning Tips
COVID-19As schools across the country have closed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, students have unexpectedly found themselves attending class online. Whether you’re usually a high achiever or not, this transition is tough. After all, the skills…

Helpful Parent Resources During the COVID-19 Outbreak
COVID-19It was challenging enough just being a parent, but now, thanks to widespread school closures in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, you may be faced with an entirely new role: your child’s teacher.
For some, the role of teacher comes naturally…