When choosing a college, you need to decide on safety, target, and reach schools. Let C2 help you figure it out.

Choosing a College: Safety, Target, and Reach Schools

Choosing a college isn't just a matter of asking yourself where you want to go to school. Sure, in movies and on TV, high school students have that one dream college in mind. Think Rory Gilmore, whose childhood bedroom was covered in Harvard…
To write your college essay, you have to get into the right mindset. Let C2 help your college application stand out!

Getting into the College Essay Mindset

It’s not a great idea to just sit down and start writing your college application essays. These essays are unlike any other writing assignment you’ve tackled before. You’ve got to get into the right mindset... the college essay mindset.…
When it comes to college admissions testing, it can be hard to figure out which ones you need to take. Let C2 Education help make a plan for you!

College Admissions Testing: Which Tests to Take When

Are you ready for college admissions testing? There are literally dozens of standardized tests available to college-bound students, all of them with confusing-sounding acronyms. It can be pretty tough to figure out which tests you need to take,…
This infographic shows what scores you need to qualify for admissions to the Top 25 colleges. C2 can help with your scores!

Your SAT and ACT Scores, and College Admissions

Back in October, we talked about the top three factors that college admissions officers look for: your grades, course rigor, and your SAT or ACT scores. We've received a lot of questions about SAT and ACT scores this test season. To help…
The most successful students plan their high school careers. Let C2 help you with yours!

High School Planning: Your Road to Success

High school planning is a must if you're looking for a competitive edge when applying to college. Ask yourself, "What do the most successful high school students have in common?" They plan ahead. Early in your high school career, you should…
Early data for 2018 shows record breaking low admission rates at top schools. Let C2 help with your college admissions!

Record-Low Admission Rates at Top Colleges

Each spring, colleges begin to announce their admission rates for the incoming freshman class. For the past several years, these announcements have followed a downward trend with rates dipping lower and lower. This year is proving to be no exception.…
May 1st is when most students are required to have chosen their college. Having a hard time deciding? Let C2 help!

National College Decision Day – Is That Your Final Choice?

May 1 is a little known holiday called National College Decision Day. This is the deadline by which most students are required to have submitted their deposits to their chosen colleges. Hopefully, you worked really hard and got some great…
A good college counselor can be very helpful in your journey to college acceptance. Let C2 Education help!

Why You Need a Good College Counselor

A lot of families figure they’ve got this college admissions thing down. After all, your parents probably went through the application process, so they know what to do. Besides, your school has plenty of counselors on staff – they’ll help,…
cost of college

Paying for College: You Got In. Now to Pay for It.

Most students don’t give much thought to what happens after they get those coveted acceptance letters. If you're at the beginning of the college applications, don't miss our webinar on the college admissions process. Remember, there are…