How To Get Into Harvard
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSEvery student wants to know the magical formula that will get them accepted at Harvard – or Stanford, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, MIT, Brown, Dartmouth, or any of several other highly selective colleges.
If I could just create a detailed…

Why You Should Take SAT Subject Tests NOW
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSEffective 2021, SAT Subject Tests are no longer offered by the College Board. To show subject matter expertise, consider taking AP exams instead.
College-bound students are inundated with acronyms – PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP. There are…

Last Minute Tips for Writing a Better College Application Essay
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSWith just a few weeks to go before early action deadlines hit, we’ve been reviewing A LOT of college application essays. Some are great, some merely good, and some…well, some need quite a bit of work.
To help you get your college admission…

10 Grammar Mistakes That Hurt College Apps (and all other writing…)
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSBetween SAT practice essays, ACT practice essays, and college admission essays, C2 Education’s staff see a lot of student writing samples — and a lot of grammar mistakes! Sometimes the mistakes are forgivable — “accomodate” instead…

Top 5 College Application Essay Clichés
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSA survey of our students has revealed that one of the most feared and most difficult parts of the college application process is the college admission essay. This is hardly surprising. After all, the college application essay is unlike any other…

How NOT to End Up Like Suzy Lee Weiss
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSLast month, hundreds of thousands of high school seniors received their responses from many of the colleges they applied to. In an era of intense competition at the nation’s best schools, it’s safe to assume that many of those students were…

The Year of the MOOC: How One Weird Acronym Can Help You Get Into Your Dream College
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSMOOC may read like something a drunken cow would utter, but these Massive Open Online Courses might be just the ticket to help you get into your dream college.
MOOCs are massive, online college courses that are usually offered free of charge.…

National College Decision Day
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSIf your son or daughter is lucky, he or she has been accepted to multiple colleges and universities. Having spent several weeks celebrating these successes, it is now time to make the final decision. May 1 is National College Decision Day, so…

Summer Programs: Building a Stronger Resume in Math and Science (Part 1)
COLLEGE ADMISSIONSWith college admissions processes growing more competitive each year, students and parents are often left wondering: What can I do to create the strongest possible college application? While good grades and test scores were once the primary…