Need test prep, tutoring, or college admissions counseling?

Sign up for a free consultation to learn how C2 can help.

We get results. Whether you’re aiming for higher test scores, better grades, or dream college acceptances, C2 Education is here to help make it happen.

Your free consultation will start with a diagnostic test to see where you stand academically. We’ll then review your results and create a customized plan to help you meet your goals.

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Test Prep

Be confident and ready for the SAT, ACT, PSAT, AP Exams, or ISEE. Our test prep programs are completely personalized for each student to ensure you focus on the specific areas where you need improvement.


Our expert tutors are ready to help students from K – 12 grade. We customize each student’s plan to meet their exact needs and overcome academic challenges.

College Counseling

College admissions are getting more and more competitive each year. We can help every step of the way – from identifying schools to apply to, selecting courses to improve your transcript, and navigating financial aid, we’re here.