We've helped high-performing students get
into their dream schools for over 25 years
through test prep, GPA management, and
college counseling.
C2’s fully customized programs support students throughout their academic journeys — from younger students building a solid foundation to high school students taking increasingly challenging courses and navigating the college admissions process. Our tutors deliver personalized support to improve test scores, enhance GPAs, and build winning college applications.
Good test scores aren’t enough — students need exceptional scores to stand out. C2 helps your student do just that with personalized test prep that results in some of the highest test scores in the country. We offer test prep for SAT, AP, SSAT, ACT, PSAT/NMSQT, and ISEE.
C2 tutoring supports K-12 students’ academic needs while challenging them to further excel in their studies. Tutoring is available in all subjects and led by tutors who are experts in each subject matter plus understand the local school system, course curriculum, and grading expectations.
C2’s certified counselors are specially trained to maximize each student’s potential for admission to a top college. We help you navigate the college application process, creating a custom roadmap to ensure you and your student have done everything possible to get into a college of their choice.
Each comprehensive program is designed to best support each individual student’s journey to college. From an initial diagnostic test, we gain a baseline assessment of strengths and weaknesses used to personalize our approach to the test prep and tutoring efforts that will go on throughout the school year. Our expert academic team is here to not only support you academically but also serve as mentors to guide and motivate you to make sure you keep your eye on the prize… admission to your dream college!